Strawberries contain salicylic acid that rids the skin of dead cells, makes your skin pores smaller and your face look brighter and shinier. They gently refresh and exfoliate the skin, remove impurities, and reduce redness and swelling, which is wonderful for a cleansing and skin softening facial mask.
In addition, the antioxidants in the fruit help to repair skin damage and counteract aging effects. Your skin produces millions of new cells every day, and regenerates itself completely every 30 to 40 days. But after the age of 30, this natural rejuvenating process slows considerably. At this time, the skin can benefit from a strawberry treatment.
Further benefits of a strawberry skin regimen include:
reinforce your skin's resisting capability to environmental stress
provide excellent allergy soothing, appeasing, preventing and relieving functions
strengthen skin immune capability whiten skin
But you have to use it at least twice a week during a longer time of at least three to six months to see lasting effects.
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